On Saturday we got to wake up later than usual, it was only by an hour but everyone was so exicted about this. Once everyone was up and ready we had free time until 11:30am. which was different from our usual day, most people went back to sleep while the others enjoyed the sun. Probably in the wifi plaza. It was really relaxing and nice. Then we had an “activity”- an enlightening lecture about Catalonian culture delivered by a local man, Roger. He told us about the Cuca fera, a terrifying dragon/devil that features in a parade once a year, the Sardanas dance, the human towers “castellers” and we were able to share our own cultures´ festivals. Arpie told us about an Armenian tradition where newly weds leap over small fires to ensure a long and happy marriage.

We then had lunch and had our daily siesta which is quite a novelty for a lot of the group. The evening´s excursión was a lovely 12km hike through one of the local walking trails in Garraf National Park. We were assured there would be no climbing but of course it ended up being quite a challenging walk. Esra admitted to crying a Little bit at the beginning as she didn´t think she would be able to complete the trail. We saw interesting rock formations, 3 different rock types- red, black and White, and a lot of quartz! In the end everyone enjoyed the excursion as the views along the way provided many opportunities for great photos and selfies. We finished up at a look out point, El Mur, and had a picnic with an amazing view.
DAY 10
On Sunday it was our 10th day at camp and we had a free day to do as we wanted, as long as we stayed out of the camp leaders hair and did not disturb them durnig their day off. Everyone had very ambitious plans for the day. For example one group of people wanted a relaxed day on the beach, whereas others wanted to see the whole of Spain in 8 hours. One group of people did not have much luck during their day off because those who choose to go to Barcelona soon found out that the shopping centre was closed and after discovered the Boqueria market was also closed. At this point many of the campers were ready to give up. We met with the others and some wanted to get the train to Gava to go home, however the others wanted to get the bus from plaça espanya. We thought we were not going to make it in time for the bus, however we were 15 minutes early. When the bus arrived, it did not stop for us, we ran and ran to try catch the bus however we did not make it. Ferroudja cried when they missed the bus because she was sunburnt, tired and stressed. We then had to get a taxi home, we arrived at the school around 10:30 pm that is when we had the ´black dinner´. However the beach and food was amazing and all the others enjoyed their day. We all know that in a couple of days we will be laughing at the transport disaster.
Another group chose to visit Sitges, a close city at the south of Gavá. We went to the information center to know what was good to visit in the city. Then, we visited the oldest part of the town and the church. There, we had a beautiful view point of the sea. After we went to the beach. We stayed there for 2 hours, the sun was really strong. In search of shade and food we went to a snack bar close to the sea. There we oredered patatas fritas y sangría. It was a great break, we stayed in the restaurant for a while. After that, we went back to the school. It was pretty a relaxing day compared to some other campers.
The last group, Marc and Nicolas visited Tarragona to see the Roman ruins. They saw Ponte del Diablo, the devil bridge, and some aqueducts. It was very interesting for them but soon they wanted to cool off at the beach. Unfortunately they did not have enough time for this and had to remain sweaty. The Sunday bus timetable was not kind to them either and they too ended up getting a texi from Gava instead of waiting 2 hours for the next bus back to Begues.
All in all it was a fun weekend but some of us were happy to get back to the normal work routine on Monday morning.