CIPAG (Col·lectiu per a la Investigació de la Prehistòria i l'Arqueologia del Garraf-Ordal) has started a crowdfunding campaign under the headline “Help us continuing...”. Its aim is to fund the accommodation and maintenance of the members of the archaeological team participating in the fieldworks of Can Sadurní Cave (Begues, Baix Llobregat) this summer of 2013.
Can Sadurní Cave
is one of the most important sites of the Prehistory of Catalonia. Scientific
research started at the site 35 years ago and exceptional data for the
Neolithic period in the Mediterranean region were obtained.
We are in a crucial point for the future of
the site, since, besides the scientific project, we are starting a holistic
project of research in Prehistory and cultural dynamization that we called Can
Sadurní Horitzó 30. The
main aim of the project is to combine the scientific research, its diffusion
and the opening of the site and the results of the research to the public.
All the people
who are involved in the project are volunteers and the expenses derived,
especially, from the excavation campaign are covered by the different public
organisms and associated entities (Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajuntament de
Begues, Centre d'Estudis Beguetans and CIPAG).
The current
economic situation, which delays and limits the arrival of these funding,
forces us to search for other working and funding strategies. After 35 years,
we cannot allow ourselves stopping the scientific project which is now giving
its best results, only due to the lack of public funding.
Would you
like to get involved in this project? Would you like to collaborate? Help us
It is not necessary
to say that we would be extremely pleased if you could expand our call to your
own contacts: anyone who you think that could be interested. For this purpose,
we attach a translation of this text into Catalan, Spanish, English and French in our website. http://www.verkami.com/projects/5913
Follow us on:
Twitter: @CIPAGBegues
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