
Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Days 10 & 11


Today is the day without working in the cave! Amazing!

We went to the new library in Begues. There was very interesting section about the story of the town. Citizens have really interesting and eventful social lives.

Then we participated in a DRUMS workshop. We tried to play a difficult instrument. We played the Samba together.

After relaxing in the swimming pool and lunch we went to the historical route in mountains around the town. We were very excited about the view from the mountains. The nature is a really good source of inspiration. Only when we arrived to the camp did we feel a little bit tired. So we continued our evening playing ping-pong (Catalan guys are really good at it).

The next day was also free so we were divided into some groups. Some guys went to Barcelona, some to the beach at Sitges and another stayed at the camp sleeping.
By the way we had a great lunch of Paella :P

So we had a really relaxing weekend and now we are ready to continue our adventurous work ;)


Yesterday we worked very hard again. The Iberians group finally found a stone which we discovered to be the door of the Neolithic Lime kiln. The group was very excited, we managed to interview one of the member.

What did you discover at the Lime kiln yesterday?

Guillem; “At first I didn’t know what it was. I could see that the stone was different because its colour and texture differed from the rest of the stones around it. Eli then explained to us that it was the original door to the Lime kiln.”

How do you feel about that?

Guillem: “Wow! I was so excited and immediately began imagining how Neolithic people would have used the door and how it may have looked.”

Thank you Guillem!

Meanwhile, further up the hill, the Egyptians began their path deforestation task. Luckily no-one was hurt J

The remaining groups, the Romans and Greeks, were starting their new jobs at the cave’s entrance. The Romans were helping Manel to excavate sections 2 and 3. Motivated by the classical Opera music, from the radio, they discovered a lot of interesting old stuff.

Alongside this, the Greeks were producing clay using mud, water and grass tempers which they were using to construct their mud fence. Somehow this ended in a big mud war!

During dinner we played a game, each person was given a slip of paper to write their name on. Each slip was then folded and placed inside a bag. At the end of dinner everyone had to pick a slip. They now have to create a gift for the person named on the slip.

Later in the evening the Italians, Matteo & Giovanni, began tipping water over each other. After a few minutes this escalated into a huge girls vs. boys water fight consisting of the entire group and two of the leaders! The boys spent most of it hiding in the bathroom because the girls were too ferocious for them to handle!  

Thursday, 9 July 2015

8/7/2015: Dinosaurs, magical bread, Castellers...

After the free day came another working-day.   

We woke up with “Alegria” as always, and we had a NICE breakfast with Nutella.
We kept working around the cave. And then, we all went to the pool to get fresh water and to see a dinosaur, that hides behind the plants and pool water… (Nessie)
We ate typical Spanish food like “paella” or “bread” (bread was amazing, it was soft and tasty {It can’t be broken, impossible}).

During the afternoon, we kept working on two different activities: experimental pottery and pottery lab. The experimental pottery is about creating from dry clay a beautiful pottery using techniques from prehistoric times. The Pottery Lab is not as interesting as the other workshop but is an essential part of the archaeology: cleaning, searching or looking for bones, potteries, materials, drawing and scanning their shapes. (The most boring activity ever)

 Experimental pottery, really interesting.

Pottery lab, REALLY interesting.

Afterwards, we had to opportunity to meet the Castellers of Begues called “Els encantats”. That’s a popular catalane tradition which consists of building human towers.
Some volunteers had the chance to participate.

Maximum happiness getting on top of someone.

"Castellers" tower.

We had a weird experience during the night. After the soccer match, 4 boys came to the playground and threw chairs for fun.

To sum up the day in few words: waking up, work, pool, dinosaur, lunch, magical bread, workshops, Castellers, dinner and little sleep. (A nice day). 

Wednesday, 8 July 2015



We had a free day at 7th July, so that means no wake up at 7! However, we all leave Begues to discover different part of
Spain in different groups. Some of us went to Barcelona and do some sightseeing and shopping. Some of us went to Sitges(a beautiful city) for the beach.

The beach was nice, sun was burning a bit but we had a lot of fun and enjoyed our time there very much. Swimming in the Mediterranean Sea is AWESOME. We also went to a nice place to have lunch; some of us had paella and tapas. After that, we end up going back to the beach again and led there for another 2 hours. Ohh and gelato after the beach was definitely a refreshing after a beach day.

Monday, 6 July 2015

05/07/15 Enjoyable day.

We are volunteers and are participating in archaeological project through the workcamp that takes place in the cave Can Sadurni in the town of Begues. As volunteers we must do archaeological excavations to interpret and analyse, how people lived in the cave and area in general in our heritage. 

Yesterday we continued our work on the mud fence outside the cave and we cleaned all the territory and cut down the branches and we dug up the land.

When we work on the mud fence, we used an old Iberians method, where you mix earth, dried grass and water together, so you get a sticky mixture that you can use to support the branches of the fence. It was a very funny experience, where you used almost all of your body, when mixing the mud. You can see a little bit about the process in the video in this post.  
The camp is very good for making relationships between peoples from different countries and we have some activities in the evening. Last night we played bingo in a special “names-version”, there were 35 different characteristics and we had to ask each other different kinds of questions to get know more about the other volunteers. We want to say thanks to the chef for tasty food. 

We are very satisfied and excided about participating in this project and we are looking forward to the rest of the camp and expect that we can justify our hopes. 

Sunday, 5 July 2015

04/07/15 Free day in Barcelona

On Saturday the 4th we woke up more excited than usual because we knew that we were going to Barcelona, so after breakfast we went to the bus stop of Begues to take the  902.

We arrived to Placa Espanya and divided into groups according to the places we prefered to visit.
The first destination was Placa Catalunya from whom we went to La Pedrera.

Being hungry, we went to the famous Mercat de la Boqueria crossing through La Rambla.

After lunch a walk in the port and than we went straight to the architecture masterpiece of Gaudi, La Sagrada Familia.
Coming back to the meeting point, we passed through Museu Nacional d`Art dr Catalunya and we had the possibility to admire a wonderful landscape of Barcelona

Saturday, 4 July 2015

02/07/15 The adventure began

We got up at 7:00 am.
After breakfast we went to Can Sadurní cave , and there we had a presentation which showed the various discoveries that had been done by archeologists around and inside the cave. Unfortunately, it was very cold there, but presentation was interesting. Jordi showed to us 4 areas, where we were going to work during the camp.
Moreover, we worked for 2 houres and then went to swimming pool.

After lunch we had free time till workshop introduction, where we dividedin 4groups: Greeks, Romans, Iberians and Egipcians.

After dinner we had a little free time and then we had group building activity.
In addition, we played other games such as Uno and Truth or Dare and then fell   asleep during the morning.