
Tuesday, 14 July 2015


Yesterday we worked very hard again. The Iberians group finally found a stone which we discovered to be the door of the Neolithic Lime kiln. The group was very excited, we managed to interview one of the member.

What did you discover at the Lime kiln yesterday?

Guillem; “At first I didn’t know what it was. I could see that the stone was different because its colour and texture differed from the rest of the stones around it. Eli then explained to us that it was the original door to the Lime kiln.”

How do you feel about that?

Guillem: “Wow! I was so excited and immediately began imagining how Neolithic people would have used the door and how it may have looked.”

Thank you Guillem!

Meanwhile, further up the hill, the Egyptians began their path deforestation task. Luckily no-one was hurt J

The remaining groups, the Romans and Greeks, were starting their new jobs at the cave’s entrance. The Romans were helping Manel to excavate sections 2 and 3. Motivated by the classical Opera music, from the radio, they discovered a lot of interesting old stuff.

Alongside this, the Greeks were producing clay using mud, water and grass tempers which they were using to construct their mud fence. Somehow this ended in a big mud war!

During dinner we played a game, each person was given a slip of paper to write their name on. Each slip was then folded and placed inside a bag. At the end of dinner everyone had to pick a slip. They now have to create a gift for the person named on the slip.

Later in the evening the Italians, Matteo & Giovanni, began tipping water over each other. After a few minutes this escalated into a huge girls vs. boys water fight consisting of the entire group and two of the leaders! The boys spent most of it hiding in the bathroom because the girls were too ferocious for them to handle!  

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