
Monday, 6 July 2015

05/07/15 Enjoyable day.

We are volunteers and are participating in archaeological project through the workcamp that takes place in the cave Can Sadurni in the town of Begues. As volunteers we must do archaeological excavations to interpret and analyse, how people lived in the cave and area in general in our heritage. 

Yesterday we continued our work on the mud fence outside the cave and we cleaned all the territory and cut down the branches and we dug up the land.

When we work on the mud fence, we used an old Iberians method, where you mix earth, dried grass and water together, so you get a sticky mixture that you can use to support the branches of the fence. It was a very funny experience, where you used almost all of your body, when mixing the mud. You can see a little bit about the process in the video in this post.  
The camp is very good for making relationships between peoples from different countries and we have some activities in the evening. Last night we played bingo in a special “names-version”, there were 35 different characteristics and we had to ask each other different kinds of questions to get know more about the other volunteers. We want to say thanks to the chef for tasty food. 

We are very satisfied and excided about participating in this project and we are looking forward to the rest of the camp and expect that we can justify our hopes. 

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